Design of a Landslide Early Warning System in Chosica - Lima - Perú
Landslide Chosica, Arduino, early warning system, Internet of Things, service learningAbstract
In the district of Santa Eulalia, province of Huarochirí, Lima, each year a geological phenomenon known as landslide occurs. The intensity of the rain generates sliding that can reach urban areas, causing human and material losses, without possibility to provide early warning to the population. To mitigate these damages we have developed a pilot project for the design and implementation of a Landslide Early Warning System (Satah-A), which integrates an electronic device Arduino-UNO for processing data; the MaxSonar sensor to determine the maximum water level and generate an alert and the GSM module sending a text message to a mobile phone through GSM or 3G network. This Android-based phone has an application that sends information to the cloud in real time. Then the cloud application processes the data and reports through push messages to Web and mobile clients connected to the Internet, which spread them by Internet of Things (IoT), as data analysis available via Web. The system has been tested in a laboratory environment using a control module plant. This system should be incorporated into other systems of disaster prevention to create a predictive model in the future. The methodology for software development was based on RUP (Rational Unified Process) and multidisciplinary pedagogical level.
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