Cooperative Learning and Cisco WebEx-Spark: a Proposal e-learning


  • Ernesto Zeña Raya National University of San Marcos image/svg+xml Author
  • Jaime Alfonso Fernández Caycho National University of San Marcos image/svg+xml Author
  • Julia Lizet Torres Rivera National University of Education Enrique Guzmán y Valle image/svg+xml Author



e-Learning, WebEx, Spark, Cooperative Learning, Digital Culture


This article aims to relate the level of participation, satisfaction and use of recordings with the level of learning based on the strategies of cooperative learning in an online environment, by adapting and using the video conference software Cisco WebEx and Cisco Spark in the course of Applied Statistics Laboratory in the Higher Technological Institute Tecsup - Lima. Data was analyzed using heat maps and tree diagrams. The results show that the degree of satisfaction is more strongly associated with the degree of student participation; at the same time, this level of participation had a strong relationship with the level of learning. In this way, a greater efficiency in education was achieved by incorporating ICT and cooperative learning strategies. It should be noted the development of a digital culture of learning in the institution by teachers using the technology in innovative ways for education processes, and include students in the use of these technologies as a means of their learning


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How to Cite

Cooperative Learning and Cisco WebEx-Spark: a Proposal e-learning. (2024). Revista I+i, 10.