Takagi Sugeno type Fuzzy Modeling and Predictive Control of a Level Plant
Takagi Sugeno Fuzzy Modeling, Model-Based Discrete Predictive Control, Level Plant, Programmable Logic ControllerAbstract
This research develops the modeling of a level plant using fuzzy inference systems of Takagi Sugeno type, as well as its control using a Discrete Model Predictive Control (DMPC). In the modeling process, the usefulness of Takagi Sugeno fuzzy inference systems has been demonstrated when constructing models reproducing the nonlinear behavior of plants in a wide range of operation. The sub-models of the process were obtained by estimating parameters using an estimator of maximum verisimilitude. Then, based on this information, a Discrete Model Predictive Control (DMPC) was designed, and afterwards, the tuning was made with Simulink®. The practical implementation was carried out using a LogiX family Allen Bradley® controller, in which the necessary functions were programmed to implement the DMPC. The experimental results show a superior performance of this strategy compared to a classic PID controller in terms of reduction of settling time, maximum overshoot, better filtering of noise in the control signal, as well as a uniform behavior over a wide range of operation.
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