Mechanical Characterization of Dental Acrylic Resins Polymerizable of Different Origin and Costs
Dental acrylic resin, mechanical characterization, destructive tests, non-destructive testsAbstract
Nowadays, dental restoration and rehabilitation materials must meet numerous requirements, for example, minimum levels of mechanical properties, such as shear strength, hardness, tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact resistance. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to mechanically characterize and compare two (2) heat-curing dental resins from different manufacturers (one Colombian and one Brazilian), and which are widely used in the local market, however with different prices (at a ratio of 1:1.5). Therefore, an economic analysis of both resins widely marketed in Lima had performed. In other words, this work seeks to verify whether there are significant differences between the two resins used in this study. The analysis had carried out at the Materials Laboratory of Tecsup Centro (Lima); all specimens had manufactured and tested for the various destructive and non-destructive tests, according to the following international technical standards: ISO 22674 -> tensile test; ASTM D785 -> Rockwell hardness test; ISO 29022 -> shear strength test; ISO 16402 -> flexural test and ASTM D6110 -> impact test. All the results obtained had statistically analyzed. It had concluded that the Brazilian resin presented higher resistance to shear and impact, on average 10% and 36%. In terms of flexural strength, it was almost the same as the Colombian acrylic resin. And in terms of tensile strength and hardness, the Colombian resin was superior by approximately more than 28% and 55%, respectively. Likewise, Colombian resin has a better positioning in the local market but is 55% more expensive than the Brazilian product.
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