Active Filters in Medium Voltage as an Alternative to the Use of SVC for the Improvement of Energy Quality in Steel Plants
SVC (static var compensator), active filters, arc furnaces, flicker, harmonicsAbstract
Steel plants need to have metal melting equipment that use high electrical current (arc furnaces). When generating consecutive short circuits to melt the metal, arc furnaces make other production areas such as rolling mills, oxygen mills, steel mills, iron shafts and docks have energy quality-related issues. Among the problems that may arise during melting and refining processes are phase imbalance, voltage fluctuations, flickering, transients and harmonics. In this type of plant production processes demand to balance the power factor between the main bus bar and every sub-plant. Among the common solutions are reactive power compensation and passive filtering in medium voltage, being the flicker control a major inconvenience when operating arc furnaces. With the development of power electronics, SVC (Static Var Compensator) has been implemented in many steel plants. While this solution is effective, it is expensive and takes up space to get installed. This article proposes an alternative to flicker reduction and reactive compensation that can be implemented in steel plants with the use of active filters in medium voltage. The data of energy quality measurements and electrical parameters of a steel plant in Peru were processed for 120 days. The information was collected from an energy management and monitoring system and network analyzers. The electrical system was modeled in the ETAP software, the SVC was measured and active filters in medium voltage were used under proper comparative analysis. Active filters in medium voltage are technically and economically efficient to use in steel plants.
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