Effects of Gamification on Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills





Gamification, analytical problem solving, skill, educational strategy, institute of technology


Technology has changed not only the way we communicate and relate, but how we learn. Nowadays new teaching and learning strategies involve the use of digital tools through topic- related games. This experimental research of quantitative method aims at identifying the effect of using a game-based program on the development of problem-solving skills in an institute of technology based in Lima city, Peru. The data come from a questionnaire-type instrument applied to 72 third-cycle students of different majors, which were processed under non-parametric tests and hypothesis contrast according to the Wilcoxon Test. It turns out that gamification has a positive impact when solving problems analytically in its three dimensions: problem finding with an 83.7% post-test level of achievement, creation of alternative solutions with an 83.9% post-test level of achievement, and evaluation of solutions with an 81.6% post-test level of achievement. The Wilcoxon Test proved there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results, going for the latter.


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How to Cite

Effects of Gamification on Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills. (2024). Revista I+i, 16. https://doi.org/10.71701/7626dw67