Oxidative pretreatment of wastewater with organic load from ultrafiltration applied to manufacture lactose-free milk





Wastewater treatment, VMA, COD, pH, dose, Fenton Process, Advanced oxidation, ozonation, lactose


The main process used in obtaining lactose-free milk is ultrafiltration, which results in lactose-free milk (retentate) on one side, and lactose with water and salts (permeate) on the other. This last by-product is not used as raw material, but constitutes an effluent that contributes to the total flow of wastewater. This has caused an increase in the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the initial effluent, affecting the treatment stages of industrial effluents, with the biological treatment stage being the most affected, since the lactose converted into lactic acid decreases the pH of the system, this leads to the microorganisms not carrying out a good degradation. The following study focused on pretreatment of the lactose-laden wastewater that was the permeate of the ultrafiltration that manages to de-lactose the milk, specifically seeking to reduce organic contamination expressed as removal of COD. The methodology used in the research was applied, quantitative approach, experimental design; where the conventional Fenton advanced oxidation and ozonation processes were used, and the objective was to select that process that allows the removal of COD at values ​​below 3,000 mg/L, so that it can be passed to the production plant activated sludge that already exists and can be supported by the microorganisms at these BOD levels. The results obtained for both tests carried out in the TECSUP No. 1 laboratories, applying the Fenton advanced oxidation method, resulted in the maximum removal of 64 % for Fenton and 39 % for ozonation, but this was not enough due to the great stability of the disaccharide at low doses and complete oxidation at high doses forming soluble intermediate products that are difficult to remove in the subsequent coagulation and flocculation process. Furthermore, the time necessary to oxidize lactose, to insoluble intermediate products, is 30 minutes with the dose of 1196 mg/L of H2O2, 2000 mg/L of FeSO4 and at pH equal to 3. This test successfully reduced much of the organic matter, down to 7,280 mg/L COD, but the target removal of reducing COD to 3,000 mg/L was not achieved. However, the reduction obtained could be mixed with a certain flow of already treated water circulating back into the reactor, allowing the biological treatment to proceed. This latter step would be a study conducted by the dairy company.


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Author Biographies

  • Huguez Ames Ramírez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

    Ingeniero químico de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, magíster en Educación por la Universidad de Piura y especializado en Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales. Actualmente cursa un doctorado en Ingeniería y Ciencias Ambientales en la Universidad Agraria La Molina. Tiene experiencia en la industria química, metalúrgica y en el tratamiento de aguas residuales e industriales, trabajando en plantas de tratamiento de agua y relaves mineros. Ha sido docente en la Universidad Agraria La Molina, Universidad Privada del Norte, Universidad Continental, Universidad María Auxiliadora y Tecsup. Actualmente es ingeniero jefe de procesos en la PTAR Pachacútec de ACCIONA, destacada por su calidad de agua. Además, ha sido conferencista en eventos como Perumin y tiene publicaciones en revistas especializadas.

  • Yorsel Mayhua Soto, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

    Ingeniera industrial egresada de la UPC, licenciada en Educación por la Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle la Cantuta, y magíster en Gestión Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible por la Universidad Nacional del Callao. Además, ha realizado diplomados en Derecho Ambiental y Fiscalización Ambiental en la Universidad Continental. Cuenta con experiencia en control de calidad en empresas como Kimberly Clark y Laboratorios SMASAC. Desde 2013, se desempeña como docente en el área de Minería y Procesos Químico-Metalúrgicos en Tecsup N° 1 Lima, donde trabaja en investigaciones y proyectos relacionados con el tratamiento de aguas y efluentes industriales, colaborando estrechamente con otros docentes en el desarrollo de soluciones ambientales.

  • Ulises Quiroz Aguinaga, National University of Engineering

    Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería UNI y miembro fundador de la Sociedad Peruana de Electroquímica. Las investigaciones que realiza se centran en la síntesis de nanomateriales y el desarrollo de materiales carbonosos para su uso en sensores electroquímicos. Adicionalmente, las investigaciones buscan la remoción de contaminantes del agua como colorantes, medicamentos y pesticidas mediante procesos de oxidación avanzada.


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How to Cite

Oxidative pretreatment of wastewater with organic load from ultrafiltration applied to manufacture lactose-free milk. (2024). Revista I+i, 18, 82-93. https://doi.org/10.71701/revistaii.v.18.2024.90