Relevance of the Identification of the Student Learning Styles to Plan the Teaching-Learning Sessions in Higher Technical Education
Learning Styles, learning, ICT, active methodologiesAbstract
The research aims to identify the learning styles in students of V and VI cycle of the career of Chemical and Metallurgical Processes in Tecsup - Lima. The goal is to inform teachers about the characteristic features of their students’ ways of learning, so that they can use the teaching methodologies that enhance these learning styles. That is accord with Tecsup 2.0 campaign in which teachers are trained in ICT and active methodologies. The theoretical framework describes different learning styles and their models, focusing on the instrument of Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman, in order to raise the problem of research and choose the suitable methodology for the design of the study. The results are then presented and a discussion is carried out. The conclusions of the study support the use of ICT and active methodologies in higher technical education teaching.
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