Interactive Digital Whiteboards: What are the Levels of Satisfaction, Needs and Contributions from the Teachers’ Point of View?


  • Carlos David Laura Quispe Federal University of Uberlândia image/svg+xml Author
  • Luis Alberto Almanza Ope National University of Saint Augustine image/svg+xml Author



Technology, user satisfaction, educational innovation, methodological strategies, teaching and learning


The interactive digital whiteboard is one of the most innovative development emerged in recent years to improve the teaching and learning process. The study described aims to determine the levels of satisfaction of teachers, in relation to the use of interactive whiteboard (IDW); as well as identifying the factors that are related to teachers in order to use it. A mixed methodology was applied, combining both quantitative and qualitative aspects, with a non-experimental «ex post facto» design. For the data collection, a questionnaire with 15 Likert-type items and an interview guideline were elaborated; surveys were applied to one hundred teachers and twelve teachers were interviewed. They worked in the district of Mariano Melgar, Arequipa region. The analysis of the quantitative data was carried out using the «principal component analysis» technique, using a varimax rotation; the qualitative data was processed using the «content analysis» technique. In the analysis of main components four dimensions were identified, that were called: infrastructure, design and implementation, methodological strategies and monitoring and, evaluation, which explain 67.497% of the total variance. From «content analysis» emerged three categories: teacher professional development, sustainability and scalability, monitoring and feedback. The study concludes that there is a positive perception, linked to the infrastructure component. However, it was evident that the position of the teachers, compared to the design, implementation and development of the initiative, is quite unfavorable.


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How to Cite

Interactive Digital Whiteboards: What are the Levels of Satisfaction, Needs and Contributions from the Teachers’ Point of View?. (2024). Revista I+i, 12.

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