Economic Impact of 3D Printers. The 4th. Industrial Revolution?
3D printer, trend, industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, Maker, Fab Lab, Smart FactoryAbstract
In Peru, imports of 3D printers have increased in the last 3 years, having an accelerated growth of 304.8 % in 2019 compared to 2018 and by the end of 2020, a growth is estimated to be higher than 2019. This is due in July 2020, imports grew to 98.6 % compared to those of the previous year. Most of the surveyed companies began their 3D printing services activities since 2019, manufacturing products such as facemasks, respirator attachments, auto parts, ornaments and prototypes in general. Educational institutions surveyed, currently have a variety of 3D printing equipment for academic, research and innovation purposes, in addition to providing services, at a smaller scale, to the industry and those equipment ́s rentals. 3D printing generates an economic impact in Peru which is evidenced by the breadth of uses and the exponential growth of its imports in recent years, which leads us to relate the 4th industrial revolution with the growth of the 3D industry and the breadth of uses in various economic sectors.
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