Biotechnology Applied to the Production of Citric Acid Through Sugar Fermentation by Aspergillus Mold from an Environmental Source


  • Laurence Salmon Barrantes Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Author
  • Frank Yamir Paredes Vásquez Tecsup Author
  • Luz Milagros Daza Concha Tecsup Author



Molasses, molds, citric acid, biotechnology


Citric acid is a highly useful raw material in the food industry and other industries requiring an organic acid. This compound is produced on an industrial scale through the fermentation of carbohydrates such as molasses and other carbohydrate-rich products. The present study aims to obtain citric acid through fermentation using Aspergillus molds isolated from an environmental control culture medium. After isolating and identifying the Aspergillus mold via optical microscopy, it was inoculated into a sugar solution containing phosphate salts. After two months, the culture was sterilized and filtered, acidity tests were performed, and the carboxylic acid was separated using classical precipitation methods. The product was then characterized using classical organic tests, infrared spectroscopy, and optical microscopy, achieving a 15% yield. This study represents the first work of its kind conducted at Tecsup.


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Author Biography

  • Laurence Salmon Barrantes, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Químico farmacéutico egresado de la maestría de química por la pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PUCP, ha trabajado en la industria en productos farmacéuticos y cosméticos, asesor en INDECOPI, y amplia experiencia docente. Desde 2013 docente de tiempo completo en Tecsup en la carrera de procesos químicos y metalúrgicos.


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How to Cite

Biotechnology Applied to the Production of Citric Acid Through Sugar Fermentation by Aspergillus Mold from an Environmental Source. (2024). Revista I+i, 18, 166-173.

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