“Optimization of the fenton process in the treatment of textile wastewater in lab scale


  • Huguez Enrique Ames Ramírez National University of San Marcos image/svg+xml Author
  • Yorsel Soledad Mayhua Soto Peruvian University of Applied Sciences image/svg+xml Author
  • Juan Jesús Malpica Mateo Author




Wastewater treatment, VMA, COD, pH, dose, Fenton Process, Advanced oxidation


This research aims at evaluating the optimization of the Fenton process in the treatment of textile wastewater under industrial conditions, by analyzing the removal of COD organic load resulting from such treatment. The methodology used in the research was of the applied type, quantitative approach, experimental design. The sampling of wastewater was carried out from the dyeing process of the textile industry. For the physicochemical characterization of wastewater from the textile industry, the parameters of pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5 ) were measured. The determination of the dimensions that influence the Fenton process during the treatment of wastewater from the textile industry, was carried out through the interaction of the 4 dimensions with their respective levels, which are: pH (2.5 and 3.0), metabisulfite sodium Na2 S2 O5 (1.0 and 1.5 g/L), ferrous sulfate heptahydrate FeSO4 .7H2 O (1.0 and 1.5 g/L) and H2 O2 (1.0 and 2.0 mL/L). The final COD result obtained is 374.00 mg/L, which means 83% elimination of organic load; with the following optimal working conditions, pH equal to 3.0, Na2 S2 O5 dose of 1.0 g/L, FeSO4 .7H2 O dose of 1.0 g/L and H2 O2 dose equal to 2.0 mL/L. The main conclusion is that with the application of the Fenton process as a treatment of wastewater from a textile industry and working under the optimal conditions already indicated, a higher percentage of organic load removal is obtained, complying so with the VMA (Values Maximum allowable) according to D.S. No. 010-2019 of the Peruvian Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation.


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How to Cite

“Optimization of the fenton process in the treatment of textile wastewater in lab scale. (2024). Revista I+i, 17. https://doi.org/10.71701/1eykyp07